APRIL 24, 2020
First, on behalf of the Chilliwack & District Agricultural Society we would like to thank all essential workers and their families that are dedicated to our community’s safety and well-being. We have been consistently monitoring the ever-changing developments related to Covid-19 and its impact on our community. We take the safety of the public, our Board, volunteers, staff and all those involved in producing an event such as ours very seriously.
With the most recent Dr. Bonnie Henry announcement, along with the direction of the City of Chilliwack and Heritage Park, we have made the difficult decision that the 148th Annual Chilliwack Fair will not happen as originally planned this August 7-9, 2020. But…we are so excited to keep our 148 year old history going strong by holding a virtual Fair this summer!
We believe that in these difficult and unprecedented times we need to come together as a community, even if it is in different ways now. We hope that our event can continue to bring families together to create in traditional and new ways.
Thank you for all of your support in the past and moving forward! We are in the early stages of this new and exciting idea, so stay tuned for more information. Follow us on social media and sign up for updates on our website www.chilliwackfair.com.