(604) 824-8191 info@chilliwackfair.com

What an exciting year! I am thrilled to invite you to come and celebrate our 150th Anniversary. For the past 150 years our community has been gathering once a year to celebrate, compete, learn, be entertained and enjoy good food together. The Agricultural Society was formed the same year as the City of Chilliwack was incorporated and we continue to work together as we have grown from the original four acre site downtown.

As always, we owe our success over the years to our volunteers, our sponsors, and our community partners, all of whom give generously so that our community will benefit. Ours is a volunteer driven organization, with many people spending thousands of hours over the course of the year to do the planning and preparation before the gates open to the public. Our sponsors provide us with the funds and equipment needed to get the job done. Our partners are community groups who take on the hosting of a portion of the event, including the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association, The Chilliwack Rodeo Association, Chilliwack School District #33, Chilliwack 4-H District, Chilliwack Schools Garden Program and Ann Davis Transition Society.

Thank you one and all! See you at the Fair!