(604) 824-8191 info@chilliwackfair.com

2024 Chilliwack Fair Notice to Exhibitors, Terms and Conditions, Rules & Regulations


Exhibitors are responsible for reading and abiding by the following rules and regulations, as well as rules specific to individual sections.


1. Payment of a single membership of $20 entitles a member to all privileges under the rules of the Society governing membership.


2. All entries must be made on the proper entry forms online provided and accompanied by entry fee paid in full. If unable to process online entries and payments please contact the office for assistance. Select sections will accept entries and fees by money transfer or cheque, made payable to the Chilliwack Agricultural Society, 7590 Lickman Rd., Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 4A7, if received by the closing date indicated in named section. Entry Fees are not refundable in case of canceled entries.

3. Dairy exhibitors must submit signed “Standard Exhibitor’s Agreement” with entry forms.

4. Exhibitor Gate Passes (wristbands) must be purchased in advance. They will not be available after the Fair begins. Exhibitor wristbands are required for entry to barns after hours.

5. Substitutions in the same livestock class may be made up to the time of arrival at the Fair, at the Entry office, upon payment of an extra entry fee.


6. The Chilliwack Heritage Park will be open for the reception of Home & Garden exhibits from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, August 7 and Thursday, August 8. See individual departments for specific closing dates and times. Exhibits can be brought to the grounds and placed on exhibition by and at the owner’s expense on designated dates and times, no earlier please.

7. Claim tags with class number, entry number and name of article will be given to the Home and Garden exhibitors. This will be required to pick up your article on Sunday night. The committee in charge will place the prize card on each article with the exhibitor’sname.


8. All livestock must be on site between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday or by 8 a.m. Friday and remain in the barns on exhibit until the release time as scheduled, or the time frame stated in the Prize Book Department you are exhibiting in unless special permission to remove is granted by the Executive Committee. All exhibitors failing to observe this rule will automatically forfeit any or all prize money.

9. Early release: Livestock exhibitors that reside outside of the Fraser Valley may be granted permission to be released earlier with a written request at time of entry.

10. The consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of licensed areas will not be tolerated. Violators will be dealt with accordingly.

11. Smoking in barns or on Heritage Park grounds is not permitted at any time.

12. Exhibit space will be allotted according to the number of entered animals that are brought to the Fair, not the number of animals that are entered.

13. The exhibitors, (except for initial bedding) must provide all feed, bedding, and feed containers for livestock.

14. Veterinary inspection possible on arrival.


15. People in charge of stock are strictly prohibited from making any remarks regarding the stock unless the judges require information. Judges will in no case award a prize where there is no merit, or in case there is only one article exhibited in any class they shall award only one prize – highest or second or third as may be proper.

16. A sole exhibit in a class may not necessarily earn a prize. All articles of field, garden and dairy produce must be bona fide the production of the exhibitor and must be grown or made during the year, unless otherwise recorded in the prize list.

17. No person shall be permitted in Livestock Rings or Pens during the time of judging except the judges, the clerks, persons in charge of the animals or members of the press.

18. In awarding prizes for breeding cattle and sheep, the judges will be instructed to decide according to their relative merits for the purpose of breeding.

19. Any person who attempts to interfere with/or influence the judges while in discharge of their duties, or who while on the premises of the Society, use any contemptuous or abusive language to any judge in consequence of any award made by him shall forfeit his right to any and all prize money, and may be excluded from exhibiting for one year thereafter. Judges are particularly requested to immediately report any such breach of this rule.

20. The judges’ decision shall be final. It is particularly requested that the judges not enter into any argument with the exhibitors as to the merits of the exhibits. If in the opinion of the judge an exhibit is not of sufficient merit, no special award will be given.


21. Prize Money in Departments B-Y (Home & Garden Building) not claimed on Sunday, August 11 will be available at the Fair office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday until August 15. Prizes will not be mailed out for sections B-Y and will beforfeit if not claimed in this period.

22. Any prize money cheques not cashed by October 31 will not be honoured. No duplicate cheques will be issued after this date. Exhibitors are asked to carefully check their prize money statements when the cheque arrives. No adjustments to prize money will be made after October 31.

23. Owners of all prize stock shall bring their stock out for parade when called for or forfeit the prize.

24. Any exhibitors violating the rules of the Society may forfeit any prize money that may be awarded to them.

25. Any exhibitors whose conduct could, in the opinion of the Directors, in any way endanger the safety of any other person on the grounds may forfeit any prize money that may be awarded to them and may be barred from exhibiting at the fair in future years.

26. Upon discovery of any fraud, deception or dishonest practice either in the preparation, ownership, or of any representation concerning any article exhibited, which may have affected or have been intended to affect the decision of the judges, the Board of Directors have the power to withhold the payment of any and all prizes awarded and prohibit any such party or parties from exhibiting for one or more years, and may also publish names of such parties or not, as may be deemed expedient.

27. Only ribbons and prizes awarded at the 2024 Fair may be displayed at the Fair.

28. Any exhibitor who may desire to enter a protest must enter such protest in writing previous to the close of the show, and must deposit $25 with the Manager, which in case the protest is not sustained, is forfeited and added to the funds of the Fair.

29. Should there not be enough funds on hand to pay prizes in full, they will be paid pro rata.


30. The Event Coordinator, President and Executive shall have the general supervision of the grounds during the entire Fair and control the entrance and exit gates.

31. No claims for injury to any person or property shall ever be assessed or have instituted or maintained against the Chilliwack and District Agricultural Society, its Officers, or their agents by or on behalf of any visitor, exhibitor, or any person, firm or corporation or their agents, representatives, servants or employees, having license or privilege to visit or exhibit on the grounds of the Society or occupying any space thereon.

32. While the Society will take every precaution to ensure the safety of the articles on exhibition, let it be distinctly understood the Owners are required to assume all risks. Should any article be accidentally injured, damaged, lost or stolen, the Society will render all the assistance in its power to bring about the recovery of same, but it will not recognize any claim for payment of the value or any portion thereof.

33. Any person handling or taking up exhibits that do not belong to them may be prosecuted according to law.

34. Should there be any disputes or misunderstandings, which none of the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations governs, whether in connection with judging or otherwise, they shall be referred to the President and Board of Directors whose decision shall be final.

35. These rules are in addition to those stated in each individual section and exhibitors are responsible for reading and abiding by them.



Follow these easy steps:

1. Choose a class from the prize book.

a) Grow an exhibit: Vegetables, Horticulture, Fruit, Floral, and Schools Garden

b) Create an exhibit: Knit, Crochet & Rugs, Sewing & Embroidery, Weaving & Spinning, Kitchen Arts, Hobbies, Art, and Photography

c) Livestock (includes dairy, sheep, goats, llama, miniature horse, gymkhana and open horse show)

d) 4-H Clubs

2. Get busy growing, making, baking, framing, painting, knitting…

3. Complete your entry form either online or in-person.

a) Ensure that your exhibits comply with the category and age criteria. Chilliwack Fair staff can help you.

b) Please use the Home and Garden entry form for all classes in Departments B through Y. There are separate entry forms for each of: art, sheep, goat, poultry, equestrian and 4-H Clubs.

c) Indicate whether you wish to purchase advance gate passes. Anyone needing access to the barns to tend to livestock must have an exhibitor wristband.

4. Bring or mail your entry form to the Chilliwack Fair Entry Office if not entering online. Faxed entries will not be accepted.

a) Please make note of the entry deadline for your submission.

b) Do not bring your exhibits at this time.

c) Sorry, late entries will not be accepted.

5. Pay the Entry Fee: it must accompany a completed Entry Form for registration to be complete (either online or in-person).

6. Bring your actual entry items to the Fairgrounds.

a) Exhibits for Departments D,J, K, L, M, P, U and Y must be brought to the Home and Garden Building on Thursday, August 8 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

b) Exhibits for Departments B, C, N, O, Q, R, S, and T must be brought to the Home and Garden Building on Wednesday, August 7 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

c) All livestock entries must be in place between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday, August 8 or by 8 a.m. on  Friday, August 9.

7. Come to the 152nd annual Chilliwack Fair on August 9 to 11 to check out the blue ribbons and special awards. Thank you for sharing your talent with the community!

8. Please pick up your entry items. Exhibits may not be removed before 5 p.m. Sunday, August 11.

a) Home and Garden exhibits and prize money may be picked up between 5 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday, August 11. Vehicles required to pick up heavy items will not be allowed into the building until after 5:30 pm. Prize money may be claimed from the Fair office Monday through Thursday, August 15. Prizes will not be mailed out and will be forfeited if not claimed within this period. The office will not be staffed after Thursday, August 15.

b) Livestock and 4-H animals will be released at 5 p.m. Sunday, August 11. Prize money will be mailed to the exhibitor or 4-H Club.


Dept. A – Light Horse…………………………………… Friday, July 19

Dept. AM – Miniature Horses……………………… Friday, July 19

Dept. B – Knit, Crochet & Rugs…………………… Friday, July 26

Dept. C – Hobbies-Junior…………………………….. Friday, July 26

Dept. D – Upcycled………………………………………… Friday, July 26

Dept. E – Sheep………………………………………………. Friday, July 19

Dept. F – Goat…………………………………………………. Friday, July 19

Dept. J – Vegetables………………………………………. Friday, Aug 2

Dept. K – Junior Horticulture……………………….. Friday, Aug 2

Dept. L – Fruit & Nuts…………………………………… Friday, Aug 2

Dept. M – Floral……………………………………………… Friday, Aug 2

Dept. N – Sewing & Embroidery…………………. Friday, July 26

Dept. O – Weaving & Spinning…………………… Friday, July 26

Dept. P – Kitchen Arts………………………………….. Friday, July 26

Dept. Q – Hobbies-Adults…………………………… Friday, July 26

Dept. R – Quilting………………………………………….. Friday, July 26

Dept. S – Art……………………………………………………. Friday, July 26

Dept. T – Photography………………………………… Friday, July 26

Dept. U – Ch. Garden Program………………….. Thursday, Aug 8

Dept. Y – Eggstras…………………………………………. Friday, July 26

Dept. Y – Zucchini Race………………………………….Friday, Aug 2

Dept. Z – 4-H Clubs………………………………………. Tuesday, July 2

Everyone is welcome to enter an exhibit in the Chilliwack Fair. All departments are open competition.